Sunday Sneak Peek 8/25

If you’re looking for my Hot Heroes Post for HD Thomson’s blog hop, you can find it here.

Sneak Peek Sunday is a weekly blog hop in which writers are challenged to post six paragraphs, no more and no less, from a published work or work in progress and then invite other writers, readers and random bloggers to read, critique and comment. Visit their site by clicking on the button below for a list of other participating writers and share the love! Today’s Sneak Peek, like all my snippet-producing posts for the immediate future, is from The Last Hour of Gann, picking up where yesterday’s WeWriWa left off and continuing with Wednesday’s Hump Day Hook. So read, enjoy, and don’t forget to let me know if you want to enter my Gann Giveaway!

Sneak Peek Sunday Banner

“Tothax,” Meoraq replied at once. He knew every city that fell within his circuit well, and quite a few others that did not. Tothax, he knew better than most. He had received an urgent summons to that city half a year back, a summons not merely for a Sheulek but for Meoraq himself, and refusing to name the charges. This had so annoyed him that Meoraq deliberately made Tothax his last stop upon his circuit and he made certain the courts of Tothax knew it. Indeed, upon his arrival in Xheoth, he had found another summons waiting for him, even more tersely worded than the last. And if there was a reason why he had perhaps overstayed himself in this city many days after the last dispute had been heard and the last trial judged, there it stood. He was a Sword of Sheul, greatest of the warrior’s caste, a Sheulek. He took orders from his father and from God and no one else. He would move on in his own time, and he fully intended to make himself obnoxious in the House of whoever wanted him so damned badly right up until the last lick of autumn.

Ah, but then it would be home, home to Xeqor and House Uyane. Familiar faces. A bed more myth than reality. His father’s company in the evenings, and perhaps his brothers’ as well, if they were home from their own duties. Well…Salkith would be there; he was a governor’s guard and entitled to a room in their barracks, but he preferred to sleep at home where he could punish those who joked about his infamously slippery brain instead of force himself to laugh along. Nduman was a Sheulek with his own circuit and his visits were infrequent enough, but he was also keeping a low-born woman and several children in Vuluth, outside of conquest and without formal marriage, although he thought it a great secret. Thus far, their father had seemed strangely inclined to tolerate this, but Rasozul was lord of Uyane and steward of the bloodline and could not ignore the scandal forever. As for Meoraq himself, he was what he was: the eldest son of a legendary man, the heir to a glorious name and a proud House of Oracle Uyane’s own lineage, a servant in the favor of great Sheul, and a man who was perhaps not as humble as he’d ought to be. He was working on that.

“Tothax,” the abbot mused, bringing him roughly back to himself.

“If somewhat to the north.”

“So it is not Tothax that burns.”

“No.” Regrettably. “There is nothing there that should burn for so long.”

The Last Hour of Gann_ARE

16 responses to “Sunday Sneak Peek 8/25

  1. …”infamously slippery brain”… Does that mean he was forgetful or something a bit more, ah, alien? You are so wonderuflly unpreditable it could be either. My I have another entry?

    • I never say so outright in the book, but I always imagined Salkith was just a wee bit retarded. However, he was high-born and physically adept, so he went far. Probably most people would think he was a bit ponderous in his thinking, but those closest to him would know the truth.

      Another entry for msdebms!

  2. I assume it is the spaceship that is burning? This is an interesting glimpse into the H’s family. It seems as if your books often deal with father/son relationships (loved the father/son parallel’s in Heat). I have to wonder about Salkith’s “slippery brain” and Nduman’s unacknowledged family. This hints at a feudal or caste type society. How will this type of society view aliens? Maybe with less tolerance?
    Ugh! Can’t wait til Wednesday. My husband seriously thinks I have a problem/addiction. I think he is right.

    • At the last writer’s convention I attended, all us aspiring authors were told by some big name published ones that if we really wanted to have our own independant name and voice, our books needed an overriding theme. My first thought was simply that my theme was sex, sub-titled kinky, but isn’t all erotica about that? So I thought some more and it dawned on my that there actually is a theme running through all my books: Family. Seriously, six books in at the time and I never knew it was there.

      My own parents fostered dozens of children in addition to their own biological and adopted brood, as well as providing long- and short-term respite for disabled children for over thirty years. Growing up, I thought this was all perfectly normal, that everyone did it, and that I might have to go live for a while with another family someday too…like an exchange program. My ideas of family were and remain pretty elastic and I think that comes through in my books. Aisling was never Taryn’s pet, but always her baby. Antilles, who once viewed all griffins both as sentient animals and as denizens of another lord and therefore invaders as well, came to think of him as his son. In Cottonwood, Sarah definitely embraces T’aki as her family when she falls in love with Sanford (probably even a bit before that). The comparison between Tagen’s father and Kane’s was just one of those things that happen when you write, but it’s now one of my favorite elements of the book as well. In this book, we see a more complicated kind of family: Amber’s loathing of her mother and fierce devotion to her sister, Meoraq’s cultural sense of family compared to the reality, which is affectionate but rather distant. Lord knows, the next book, Pool, is already rife with family-stuff good and bad, and I’m already seeing hints of it in my scenes for The Bull of Minos.

      When it comes right down to it, a person may choose to write, but I don’t really think we have much choice over the kind of writer we turn out to be. Everything is always a little bit autobiographical.

      Oh, and you don’t mention whether you want to enter the Gann Giveaway..?

  3. I enjoy reading both your book excerpts and your replies to people’s comments. They give me pause. I slow down and consider what you and others are thinking. Btw, reading each excerpt is like eating one potato chip a day.

    • Believe me, if I could leave longer snippets without cheesing off the blog hop people, I would. But then, so would everyone. And then the blog hops would each take ten days to get through.

  4. I love the direct way the Hero of your books (and even the “reluctantly good” guys) of your books are so direct in there inward reflection. I think it must be easier, to write a w woman’s inward reflection because, in general, we wear it all out in the open with our emotions. A man, though, would definitely say “I’m not humble enough… (shoulder shrug) it is what it is.”

    May I have another entry please?

  5. I’m so glad that the third edits are underway and the book is moving ever closer. I am terrible at waiting and I can’t decide if all these snippets are making the waiting worse or better. On the one hand at least it’s something to tide me over. On the other I usually marathon read your books and finish them in a day, two at most. Weeks of little bites…. The anticipation is just killing me.

    May I have an entry please?

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